Theodore Lau

San Francisco Arts Commission
Artists Against Displacement
Tina Kim Gallery
Asian Art Museum
work samples:
with John Yau - The Unseen Professors (exhibition);
The Unseen Professors (publication);
Representation of the Pacita Abad Art Estate;
Pacita Abad - ADAA The Art Show;
Mire Lee: the 59th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia;
Mire Lee: Carriers;
Mire Lee: the 59th Carnegie International;
Representation of Maia Ruth Lee;
Minouk Lim: Fossil of High Noon;
Kwon Young Woo: Gestures in Hanji
The Museum of Modern Art
Bahala na
CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art
Brown English /Non-Fiction Writing Program
KADIST Art Foundation
Swearer Center
Sheridan Center
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art